Charlie wins the aspiration point challenge, so he gets to rescue someone.
Kate and Locke are still on lot, so it's Sawyer who comes back. No matter who would've won the challenge, it would've been Sawyer. Everyone loves him for some reason. I don't.
Nice uniform Kate.
I wouldn't make out with someone in that get up either, try changing clothes. Oh Kate, also would like me to mention that she's not trying to make out with Charlie because she's a romance sim. She is married after all, even though her husband now resides with the Others. She's trying to get her aspiration points up enough to rescue him. Jack, it's all for you. Just remember that.
Charlie says he never makes out before the first Woo Hoo. Um you've got that a little backwards buddy!
It doesn't bother Kate much, she just turns to Locke and locks lips.
When she's done with him, she goes back to flirting with Charlie, maybe he'll come around when he sees how in demand she is.
It must have worked.
Another golden fish. I had three of them before the end. I forgot to take the last picture.
Sawyer gains a gold fishing badge!
Right before the Others come.
Kate goes for her third woo hoo. (Locke was second, I must have been on auto-pilot through this part of the challenge. I didn't get many pics.)
Cha Ching! Points!
Good thing she didn't have a fear of being caught cheating. I think this picture might have been right after Charlie and Kate made out, oh well.
Locke throws himself into fishing to get his mind off Kate and her romancing ways. He earns a gold fishing badge. Locke, she's married, hello! Of course, she's going to cheat if she woo hooed with you!
And the Others take Hurley. The next day, a rescue is made. Kate has the highest aspiration points and she brings back...
Sawyer?!?! What the heck? She didn't even make out with him! Kate, did we forget about your husband??
Locke gets taken next.
I've never had two Leaders of the Pack so I took a shot.
Sawyer fixes the shower, just in time because...
the Others really like him a lot. He's been taken three times and rescued twice.
I didn't take any more pictures after this point. I'm not sure why. At this point, only Kate and Charlie are left. Sunday, the Others come again and...
Kate's our winner. Charlie lost by only 500 points. I took the shot of her relationships. You can see she has the three lovers. She finally decided (a little too late) that she liked Jack more than Sawyer. And it looks like Hurley would've been her next conquest.
I did like both Kate and Jack a lot, I'm thinking of continuing the story at a later time.
Until then...
The End.